Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Check a couple more things off the list!

Sarah and I got a few more things done today! It feels good to get things checked off the list!!

- Sarah spent some time today figuring out the wording and design of our invitations and I am going to be really honest....she did a real nice job!

- Then we headed over to Anchor Paper in Burnsville to pick up some of our invitation stuff from Amy (our dear sweet friend who works WAY too much!) We got a stamp we really like and now we have the paper so we can print our invites.

- On our way home, we decided to stop in a Crate and Barrel to register (you can see/shop for it online too). We had a fun time going through the store and now people can shop for our wedding... (keep in mind that my birthday is coming up too and Sarah's shortly after :) Keep in mind we are also registered at Target, but there are still a few kinks in that one...Sarah is working hard on that!

I think that is it for now...